I’m in a small town in Wisconsin where Postmates is not even a thing. The shutdown for us happened a week after most of the big cities. I think Chicago was already there before we got there our selves. A week after that, the non-essentials shut down. We only have one Walmart here, Target is an hour away. As far as restaurants, the small mom and pop ones (which is most) didn’t have a way to do drive-thru, but the ones that did continued serving customers and just put signs outside advising them to park and wait for their order outside. Now even those non-chain restaurants with drive-thru capabilities have closed. The attraction was to eat, and people watch, (it is a quaint small town downtown) but now that’s not a possibility, it’s hard to justify eating out, especially when one’s budget is tight. On my way to Walmart, I pass the now deserted downtown. The cute mom and pop restaurant with the drive-thru has a hopeful sign, that reads “We will come back.”